Highlands will host Family Promise again from July 5 - 12!
This vital mission provides a safe place for families facing homelessness in Jacksonville. Highlands, along with 17 other churches in town, host families on a rotating schedule for a week, providing lodging, food and other needed supplies.
Here are some of the many ways that you can become involved in Family Promise:
Set Up and Break Down - These volunteers work to make sure that Harris Hall is clean before Family Promise guests arrive. They move needed furniture and lay out bedding. After Family Promise guests leave, volunteers are needed to reset Harris Hall and make sure that the building is clean for church activities to resume.
Daytime Hosts - On Saturdays and Sundays, insurance requires us to have someone from the church onsite. This volunteer can be actively engaged with guests or working on other projects on campus.
Evening Hosts - Evening host volunteers help to set up and serve dinner for our guests. They engage in conversation and provide caring support. Following dinner, volunteers help to clean up the meal and common area. Time: 6pm to 8:30pm
Overnight Hosts - These volunteers sleep in the Crafty Ladies room or library and are available in case of an emergency. During the week, families typically leave by 5:30am and volunteers may leave after that. On the weekend, volunteers are asked to stay until the first daytime host arrives. Time: 8:30pm to 5:30am/8:30am
Dinner - These volunteers provide dinner for our guests and evening hosts. Information about the number of people and any food allergies are provided the week before the visit. You are welcome to both provide dinner AND stay as the evening host. Time: 5:30pm
Laundry - Following the week of Family Promise, volunteers are needed to launder all of the bedding used during the week. These volunteers can pick up the laundry on Sunday morning to take home and launder, then return to the church at their convenience.