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Youth Ministry
Presbyterian Youth Connection (PYC) is a vital part of our church life at Highlands. Youth are nurtured through study, fellowship, and mission.
While our youth are encouraged to fully participate in every aspect of church life, we understand the value of same-age peer groups in faith development. Here are some of the nurture opportunities available to our youth:
Sunday School
Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in Harris Hall. Our youth engage in lessons and discussions to reinforce and strengthen their Bible literacy.
L.I.F.T. (Living in Faith Together)
L.I.F.T. is an intergenerational ministry that meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from September through May. Children and youth experience what it means to live as a child of God and to develop relationships with Christian adults. L.I.F.T. is filled with fun and fellowship through Bible study, music, and play.
PYC Meetings & Mission
Our youth meet together on the 1st Sunday evening of each month during the school year. We meet for Bible study, mission, and fellowship. Our youth host several annual mission projects such as Trick-or-Treating for Canned Goods, Souper Bowl of Caring, and providing Thanksgiving Food Baskets. Our youth also enjoy many opportunities for fun and fellowship with trips to Summer Waves water park, sporting events, and game nights.
Worship Leadership
The 4th Sunday of each month is J.O.Y. Sunday at Highlands. J.O.Y. stands for "Jubilant Offerings of Youth. Our students serve as liturgists and share their praises in song. This has been a long-standing tradition at Highlands, providing opportunities for our youth to grow in both leadership and public speaking. Our congregation cherishes these Sundays as they watch our youth grow and mature over the years.
Each summer our high school youth head "up the mountain" to Montreat, North Carolina. There they join 1,000+ other Presbyterian youth for a week at the Montreat Youth Conference. They participate in worship, keynote, recreation, music, and small groups. It is a wonderful tradition and opportunity for our youth to build relationships with other Christian teens and to grow in their own faith.
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