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Adult Nurture

Presbyterian/Reformed Christians take educational ministries seriously. We value informational education, learning about the world, and how it functions. We value vocational education, developing God-given talents in order to fulfill the vocation to which we have been called. And fundamentally we value transformational education. As the Brief Statement of Faith says: “The Spirit gives us courage . . . to witness to Christ as Lord and Savior, to unmask idolatries in church and culture, to hear the voices of people long silenced, and to work with others for justice, freedom, and peace.” Education is one of the hallmarks of the Reformed tradition."  Highlands has many opportunities for adults to engage in discussions and learning to further their life-long faith formation.

Sunday School

Currently, we have one adult Sunday School class which meets at 9:00 am each Sunday morning. If you're unable to join us on campus, we have Zoom available for those at home to participate. We use the quarterly Bible Study, The Present Word. This study helps participants to know the content of the Bible, understand the message of the Bible in light of their lived experiences, and be aware of God's self-disclosure, especially God's redeeming love as revealed in Jesus Christ, so they may respond in faith and love. Participants hear and discuss both Old and New Testament lessons as they share their understanding of the Word, how their faith grows and changes, and how the scripture relates to them on both personal and communal levels. 

Summer 2024
"Hope in the Lord" is the title of the Summer quarter study. In the month of June, Unit 1 is titled "Experiencing Hope," leading up to the birth of our Savior with lessons from Zechariah and Luke. July leads us to Unit 2, "Expressing Hope" with lessons from 2 Chronicles, Isaiah, and Joel.  This reinforces the knowledge that unlike humankind God keeps His promises.  August takes us to Unit 3, "Eternal Hope" with lessons from 1 Corinthians, 2 Timothy, James, and 1 Peter.  The focus is on God's call to each of us and our responsibilities to that call. 

Liturgical Studies

Highlands follows the Liturgical Seasons of the church. During both Advent and Lent, the pastor hosts a weekly Bible Study to dive into the theme of the season.  These studies are a great way to dive deeper into the liturgical season. 

Adult Fellowship Opportunities

An important part of participating in a church community is building relationships and support systems. Worship is the core of our church community, but fellowship follows closely after.  Our Fellowship Committee hosts church-wide dinners throughout the year as a way to foster relationships at fun at Highlands.  Our Member Care Committee oversees our Shepherd Program, which connects church leaders with families in the church, and our Supper Club program, which helps to connect similarly aged groups together for social gatherings.  

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